Monday 27 February 2012

Online Shopping

Whenever I look at Taobao or eBay, I swear I always end up desperately wanting to buy everything! >___< I think I'm turning into an online shopaholic ahahaha xD
I recently ordered a cute Rilakkuma case for my phone! Rilakkuma things are turning into my obsession now!
I want to go to this store so desperately! xD Too bad it's all the way in Tokyo :'( 

Ahh, these Lolita's are so cute! 

I'm also waiting for the next Dream High 2 episodes...the plot line is getting pretty good at the moment! Nothing can beat Dream High 1 though haha >__< 

This was kind of a pointless blogpost...I'm just really bored! xD Can anyone recommend me cute blogs to look at? :D 

Saturday 18 February 2012



I tried macarons for the first time today! My god, they were amazing. So expensive, but sooo worth it. The texture and the flavour were so beautiful :'D
My friend and I camwhored so much with them xD People kept giving us funny looks but oh well - they're macarons! 

Here's some other food we had for dinner :)

Looking at it makes me hungry again! xD 
Till next time~

Thursday 16 February 2012

Wavy haaair :D

I just felt like doing a quick blog post before I go to school! :D I'm so glad it's Friday, I only start school at 11 o'clock and then, wooo, weekend! 
I tried out Bubzbeauty's no heat hair tutorial today( and the results were pretty nice!

You can't see too well in this photo coz of the light >_< I had to clip the bit at the front back though, because it turned into a giant poof thing lolol!  Off topic, but I realised when I was cam-whoring today that one of my eyes is smaller than the other when I smile xD;
I left it overnight, so I think that might be the reason why some of the parts were so poofy. I'd definitely recommend this hair tutorial though, if you don't want to damage your hair with heat. 

I should start getting ready for school now xD Till next time! 

Saturday 11 February 2012


 I don't think anyone actually reads my blog, but I enjoy writing about stuff anyways xD

Recently I've been obsessed with looking at girly, cute blogs like Xiaxue and Melludee. I'm not really that girly at school and stuff, so looking at girly blogs like these is like my...little secret girly escape hehehe 
Anyways, today I painted on a canvas for the first time! I've always wanted to try canvas painting but I never got around to it. I had some free time today and thought, why not? and painted a landscape picture. I was mainly inspired by Bubzbeauty's video, "Paint the Sunset with me" and really wanted to have a go at it then! Here's the finished product. 

I'm kind of proud of it to be honest xD The trees turned out a bit strange, coz I'm a pretty shitty tree drawer LOL but all in all, I'm happy! I hope to do more paintings in the future! :D

That's about it from me then. Until next time, bye! :)

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