Wednesday 2 January 2013

Platinum White Truffle Face Mask - REVIEW

Hello everyone! Happy New year! My first post of 2013 ahh! I must say I am super excited for this year! I got my ATAR recently and I did pretty well, scoring 95.9 at the uni I want to go to!  ヽ(;▽;)ノ

But anyways, today I am going to be writing a review of the Sasatinnie Platinum White Truffle Brightening Silky Mask - a super long name, I know!

My best friend brought me the box of ten over from Singapore and I must say, I really love this product. 

The packaging is adorable!

I didn't end up taking any pictures when I actually had it on, but I found that it fit my face really well! Unlike with other face masks, the eye/nose holes were well spaced and could be adjusted easily.

The sheet was super hydrating, brightening, had plenty of essence and left your skin feeling super soft afterwards! I didn't really notice the scent of the mask, so it isn't bad for your nose either :P

Overall, I would give this product 4.5/5!

Thanks for reading! Until next time, take care! xx

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